Summertime Connections with Your Child and Screen Time Rules!
Happy Summer!
We all look forward to our summer days, the pace slows down, it stays lighter longer, we’re spending hours outdoors and we’re just excited for some SUN and FUN.
And then our kids are out of school and now what?!
For some of us that can breed a bit of anxiety. How can I occupy them without constant complaints of boredom, or them ending up on their devices for many hours of the day?
Even if your kids are enrolled in a summer camp or other programs, you’ve planned a family trip and plenty of playdates, there is still a lot more “downtime” in their days.
Summer, with its more leisurely pace, is a great time to build new connections with your child, create shared activities and even teach them a new skill.
It’s also possible to reinforce or instill screen time rules during the summer even though your rules around it are a bit more lenient.
Below you will find some blogs I wrote awhile back on creating quality connections with your child, as well as simple conversations about screen usage.
I hope these help ease some of those panicked moments of unscheduled time and will assist with continuing some limits around screens.
Summer is also a great time to connect with others. Grab a few friends and create a group of fellow parents. Let me know any topics of interest. I’m happy to do an “in person” meet up.
Learn new skills and strategies to bring to your fall routine. A few parent coaching sessions can help you get prepared. Message me with interest.