In May we celebrate Moms… Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society.
May also has its roots and meaning coming from the Roman word, Maia; a goddess of fertility and spring. April showers really do bring spring flowers from the seeds that are sown months earlier.
This made me think of what we do as parents to create the most optimal growth in our kids. What are the growth tools we can give our children to become self confident, independent and strong? It’s important to regularly offer compliments and words of encouragement to boost self-esteem and confidence.
Positive reinforcement strengthens what the child is doing right rather than concentrating on what the child is doing wrong. It increases the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated. It supports your child’s positive actions and qualities through enthusiasm, descriptive encouragement, and natural, logical rewards.
Show them Affection – When they’re young it could be hugs and kisses and reminders of how much you love them. When kids get older they may not want the same snuggles as when they were little, so when it happens remind them how much you enjoy it.
Point out their Accomplishments – I saw how hard you worked on that project. You stuck with it even when you got frustrated.
Tell them when you notice them being Kind, or being a good Friend – It lets your kids know you value kindness and healthy friendships. Teaching kids about healthy relationships is the key to having strong relationships as an adult.
I am Proud of You – Kids need to hear this from their parents all the time.
I Believe in You – Let them know often that you believe in them and their abilities. Let them know that you are there to support them.
Be Yourself – Let them know that who they are is great. Don’t let other kids tell you who you are.
Help them grow their Confidence – I really liked the way you solved that problem, what a great way of thinking about that. Can you tell me more about it?
Your Ideas are Important – Let them know that their ideas are great. Kids need to know that their ideas are worth sharing.
I’m here for You – Kids need to know that they can come to you for anything and you will be there to listen.
Say I’m Sorry – We all lose our cool. It’s an important life lesson to show them that we all make mistakes and it’s ok to admit when we are wrong